2018.05.25 Why Event Organizers recommend events in Tokyo?
One of the world’s leading Professional Conference Organizers, Kenes International Group, has listed some of the reasons why they recommend Tokyo as a city for business events.
Tokyo, a convention city with a proven track record, provides organizers worldwide:
● A wide range of options in hotels and venues
Tokyo, a convention city with a proven track record, provides organizers worldwide:
● A wide range of options in hotels and venues
● A unique mixture of modern and tradition
● Irresistible Japanese cuisine
Additionally, Tokyo is known as a safe and clean city—it was named the Safest City in the World by the Safe Cities Index in 2017—which makes it a particularly attractive destination for business events.
● Irresistible Japanese cuisine
Additionally, Tokyo is known as a safe and clean city—it was named the Safest City in the World by the Safe Cities Index in 2017—which makes it a particularly attractive destination for business events.
Kenes International Group also highlighted the general good atmosphere in Japan. “The Japanese are renowned for their good nature and unique temperament, providing top-class service with a smile. The attention to detail and the ability to anticipate what is needed are just a few of the qualities you are first to notice anywhere in Japan.”
Find more information about recent trends in Tokyo, and the different support plans the city offers for event organizers.
Find more information about recent trends in Tokyo, and the different support plans the city offers for event organizers.