City & Venue Search
Search results:47
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Search results:145
Unique Venue
Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture
The Shiinoki Cultural Complex includes restaurants, a tourist information center, and a c...
Unique Venue
Kanazawa Castle Park
The following halls are available: Gojikken Nagaya (300/standing, 100/seated), Kahokumon ...
Unique Venue
Grand Plaza
An all-weather gathering place in the middle of Toyama City that is turning heads through...
Unique Venue
The Centram: A Streetcar
A streetcar that travels through the heart of Toyama City and offers stunning views of th...
Unique Venue
Pier Bandai seasonal fresh market: Social gatherings that present a total Niigata experience
This Niigata marketplace offers everything from fresh fish caught in the Sea of Japan to ...
Search results:143
Unique Venue
Tsukuba Sansuitei
Enjoy a full-course Japanese meal next to a Japanese rock garden. A versatile facility fo...
Unique Venue
Tsukuba International Congress Center
The spacy entrance hall is a great venue for a variety of events and parties.
Unique Venue
Hama-rikyu Gardens
This exquisite garden in Tokyo offers a contrast between the traditional beauty of a teie...
Search results:145
Unique Venue
Sailboat cruises
Charters available from midday to sunset. Maximum capacity of 80. Other large and small b...
Unique Venue
The underground dome features exhibits of contemporary festival stalls and can host banqu...
Unique Venue
Arakurayama Sengen Park
A scenic spot that encapsulates the scenery of Japan, with Mt. Fuji, cherry blossoms, and...
Unique Venue
Oshi Residence (Former Togawa Family Residence)
A former residence of Oshi, who are low-ranking Shinto priests who support the culture of...
Unique Venue
Kitaguchi-hongu Fuji Sengen-jinja Shrine
Long and fervently protected by worshipers of Mt. Fuji, this shrine deserves its recognit...